Patient Information:
Patient appointments can be booked by calling reception on 03 9489 8666 or ONLINE via our website BOOK AN APPOINTMENT, the HOT DOC app.
New patients are welcome. Please call reception to arrange your initial appointment.
After Hours care:
In an emergency dial 000 for an ambulance.
For a Home Visiting Doctor after hours, please call the National Home Doctor Service on 13 74 25.
Home Visits:
Home Visits may be provided for our regular patients who reside in the local area if their condition prevents them from attending the surgery. This will need to be discussed with your treating GP.
Managing Your Personal Health Information:
Your privacy is our core business principle. This practice complies with the National Privacy Principles. It is the policy of this practice to always maintain security of personal health information and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. You are welcome to view our privacy policy.
Disability Access:
This clinic can be accessed by wheel chair or by motorised scooters.
Patient Feedback :
Northcote Medical Group welcomes feedback from our patients. We pride ourselves on meeting the needs of our patients. If you have any suggestions or complaints about our services, we would like to hear about it. Feel free to discuss the matter with our practice team or email our practice on . Every effort will be made to resolve matters to your satisfaction.
If you prefer a more formal resolution process, please contact:
Health Complaints Commissioner
Level 25, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000
Toll Free: 1300 582 113
Fax No: 03 902 3111